Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Fantasy, Mystery/Thriller -- 5 stars

Glass and Steele - Book 2
A mapmaker's apprentice has disappeared.  Glass and Steele are hired to find him, unaware that the apprentice has been paid to create a magical map that he never delivered.  India Steele is just coming to accept that she has magical abilities, but she has no idea how to use them.  Fortunately she is resourceful and not afraid to think outside the (magical) box.   An elderly aunt with a failing mind has been added to the totally original characters introduced in the first book. -----  No second book slump here.  New conflicts between the magical and the artless are exposed, and a connection between the Watchmaker's Guild and the Mapmaker's Guild is introduced.  A totally enjoyable story.  These books are like potato chips.  Once you start, you can't stop.  I'm on to book 3. 

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